Our Services
Leadership III provides leadership development, organization development, and culture change services. We are not a training company. Rather, we partner with executives to create the ideal culture to improve performance and propel the business to the next level. We are a strategic resource.

Our premise is that “
Performance equals Potential minus Interference.” This premise applies to individuals, teams, departments, divisions, and the organization overall.
Individuals and, consequently, organizations have a tremendous amount of potential. Yet the current performance is often a far cry from that potential. That’s because there are interferences- things that get in the way of an individual’s ability to perform at their best. Some of those interferences are organizational; most of the interferences, however, come from within us. It’s what we say to ourselves, that voice we hear in our head that focuses on fear, criticism, lack of self-worth, protection, ego, etc. We help individuals identify those interferences and we equip individuals with the ability to reduce or eliminate those interferences and increase performance.

We have an entire library of proven and powerful content (subject matter.) Our content enhances performance by addressing the root cause of what holds people back from performing at their best. All content is tailored to the needs and realities of the client.
Contact us for a free consultation.

Fiscal responsibility
Improved performance = improved financial status
learn more about our courses on profit
Sustainable Profit and Growth

A loyal customer has a positive emotional connection
with you and / or the company.
learn more about our courses on people

A highly motivated employee
will far out perform a poorly motivated one.
learn more about our courses on performance
Leadership III provides leadership development, organization development, and culture change services. We are not a training company. Rather, we partner with executives to create the ideal culture to improve performance and propel the business to the next level. We are a strategic resource.
Our premise is that “Performance equals Potential minus Interference.” This premise applies to individuals, teams, departments, divisions, and the organization overall.

• people • performance • profit •
(612) 802-4232
Contact Information
5816 Lyle Circle
Edina, MN 55436
Phone: (612) 802-4232
What We Do
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Leadership III helps owners and executives improve their results by focusing on leadership development, performance improvement, and profitable growth. Grow the company that will outperform your current business in every way.
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